Kikandaaswiwin Mookiisin Indigenous STEAM Training

Learn how to be a leader

Share your love of STEAM. Learn and grow. Inspire other.

Are you looking to use your leadership and STEAM skills to become a KM land camp instructor? For Indigenous and non-Indigenous college and university students, and land-based educators, our instructor training prepares you to lead and instruct STEAM land camps, in-school workshops, events and outreach initiatives.


What does KM STEAM training offer?

  • Enhance and apply your Indigenous Knowledge of the land, water and creation
  • Expand your STEAM knowledge
  • Build your leadership and communication skills
  • Receive ongoing training in Wilderness First Aid, First Nations Mental Health First Aid, water safety and other certifications
  • Learn to co-facilitate workshops, school and community events
  • Access instructor, leader and other job opportunities, including working with local schools and First Nation communities

Here’s what previous instructors say about their experience Shawnesia Ottawa is from the Algonquin community of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, located near Maniwaki, QC. She is a recent graduate of Canadore College’s Indigenous Wellness and Addictions Prevention Program and is currently a Junior Counsellor at the Maniwaki Native Friendship Centre. In 2019 she became an Indigenous STEAM instructor at Camp Kikandaaswiwin Mookiisin. Shawnesia is passionate about language and cultural revitalization and has a creative mind. Beading, harvesting, sewing, carving, painting and working with birch bark are just some of the things she does in her spare time.


Instructor virtual training

Due to COVID-19 our KM Indigenous STEAM Instructor Land Camp Training has gone online. Apply now for our 30-hour training that combines live sharing circles, hands-on activities and much more, all designed to prepare you to instruct and inspire participants at summer land camps.

We’ve gone virtual this year! Contact us now to apply

Already registered? Here’s your link to our online learning portal

We would love to hear from you!

For more information on the Kikandaaswiwin Mookiisin (KM) Indigenous STEAM Program, please call or email:

Tammy Dokis
Indigenous STEAM Coordinator,
First Peoples’ Centre, Canadore College
705-474-7600 ext. 5263

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