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Our Mission: To achieve carbon neutrality by 2031.

Our Vision: We envision a carbon neutral Canadore by 2031. A Canadore that embeds the SDGs into its core, promotes well-being through thoughtful action, and educates to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

Upcoming Fungal Workshop and Foray

Join us for a dynamic, two-day workshop focused on the fascinating world of fungi, led by experts in the field.

Learn more about this exciting workshop here!

Our Path to 2031

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Canadore College in Costa Rica

In March 2023, Canadore College sent 7 students and 2 chaperons to Costa Rica to complete a 10-day micro-credential through Castro Carazo University and to partake in a once-in-a lifetime opportunity.

Canadore students spent time in San Jose, learning about the country’s history and meeting members of Congress; traveled to Dota to learn about Green Communities, an ecological coffee organization working to protect the rainforest; participated in the Maleku Indigenous Peoples’ culture and ceremony; learned about the Carbon Footprint Project at the Arenal Volcano; and met centenarians in the Blue Zone of Nicoya