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Canadore College wins national climate challenge

Jun 28, 2023 | Cindy Males, Public Relations and Communications Specialist

CI Can Impact

Canadore College has won the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) ImpAct-Climate Challenge.  The Challenge was a nationwide call to engagement inviting students and staff at all CICan member institutions to submit ideas and actions to reduce greenhouse gases in their personal lives and on campus. Canadore won for the most submissions by a medium-large institution.

“We had more than 50 submissions which focused on ways in which our employees and students participate in ongoing initiatives such as sorting stations, greening activities, and Fill it Forward, our water refilling stations on campus” said Jesse Russell, Project Leader Sustainable Development.  “Some also shared ways in which they help reduce their impact on the environment as part of their personal lives.”

Participants were asked to share their actions, ideas, and projects on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  CICan received more than 100 submissions in the form of social media, poems, photos, short stories, videos, even t-shirts, and many other creative approaches.

“I wouldn’t say I was surprised by Canadore’s response, as we’re passionate about sustainability around the College.  With each initiative, awareness is growing, and that’s exciting,” said Russell.

“It is extremely important for everyone to take climate change seriously, but, as we are a post-secondary institution, our student leaders can have a tremendous positive impact by taking action and leading by example,” said Lise Paxton, Student Government Coordinator and iCanLead Team Advisor.  “Our Canadore Students’ Council and iCanLead student leadership program are focused on initiatives that support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), and we are committed to helping the College and our community reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

“Canadore College is proud of its sustainability efforts,” said President and CEO George Burton.  “This recognition shows that everyone at Canadore is onboard for the College’s journey towards becoming carbon neutral by 2031. 

The institutional winners in each size category will receive a recognition plaque and a student bursary worth $3,000 for a student climate leader on their campus. CICan will announce the next round of the ImpAct-Climate Challenge this fall.

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